We are proud to announce during National Teen Driver Safety Week we are once again challenging Bucks County high schools to submit videos for our Teen Driver Safety Video PSA Challenge powered by Comcast. The contest is part of our highly successful Bucks County High School Seatbelt Safety Challenge.
“We understand this school year is incredibly unique for students and teachers and just like last spring we will once again offer Bucks County high schools the opportunity to create video PSAs to create positive change in their school communities,” said TMA Bucks executive director Stephen Noll.
All Bucks County high schools have the opportunity to produce and submit a 30-second video PSA on teen driver safety. It can deal with any aspect including seatbelts, texting, distracted driving, speeding, etc. The school selected as the winner will get a $500 cash grant and their video will play on Comcast networking. Videos must be uploaded to YouTube with the link emailed to dave@bctma.com by April 1, 2021 to be eligible to win. The winning video this year will once again be selected by teen writers from the Reality staff of the Bucks County Courier Times and The Intelligencer and will be featured online at www.buckscountycouriertimes.com and www.theintell.com.
“Reality panelists know first hand the importance of safe driving and want to share that message with their peers,” said Crissa Shoemaker DeBree, editor of the Reality section for the Bucks County Courier Times and The Intelligencer. “Their fellow students have consistently produced thoughtful, creative entries for the TMA Bucks Teen Driver Safety Video PSA Challenge, and Reality is once again looking forward to picking this year’s winner.”
While the Teen Driver Safety Video PSA Challenge will definitely take place, the current school situation makes the Bucks County High School Seatbelt Safety Challenge contest status less clear.
“It is extremely difficult to plan ahead when we have no idea what this school year will look like month-to-month due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic,” said David Walter, TMA Bucks deputy director and manager of the Seatbelt Challenge. “We will do everything we possibly can to administer our Seatbelt Challenge contest for the 2020-2021 school year if and when it is possible for us to do so safely and fairly.”
There are many more factors to weigh with regard to the Seatbelt Challenge since this program focuses on students driving to and from school. This will be something the TMA will monitor closely and would likely and realistically need all schools in the area to be operating as normal with full student bodies in order to fairly hold the contest.
“Even if we can’t have the contest portion of the challenge we have let our participating schools and teachers know that we will still provide the educational component to their students because teen driver safety needs to be a focus no matter what is going on in the world,” added Walter. “Just like last spring we will work closely with the schools using virtual presentations to provide educational resources to teachers and students to help make our teen drivers safer.”
AAA Mid-Atlantic is the premier sponsor once again for this year’s challenge. Automotive Training Center (Warminster campus), Bucks County Community College, Bucks County Courier Times and Intelligencer, Fred Beans Family Of Dealerships, Jefferson Bucks Hospital, McMahon Associates and Senator Tommy Tomlinson are also sponsoring.
“We can’t thank our sponsors enough for continuing to support this great program despite the ongoing challenges businesses and organizations have been faced with these past few months,” said Noll. “Their support makes this program flourish.”