Need a Lift?
Share-A-Ride is a resource from DVRPC where Bucks County businesses and their employees can discover sustainable travel options like telecommuting, carpool, vanpool, transit, bike and walk. You can also record your sustainable trips and earn rewards. Click HERE or below to get signed up and join!
Find My Ride
Pennsylvania offers assistance programs to make transportation accessible and affordable to everyone. PennDOT has launched a new site called “Find My Ride” that will help you learn about transportation services and assistance programs.
Bucks County Transport (BCT)
Bucks County Transport (BCT) is a private, non-profit organization not affiliated with TMA Bucks that provides shared ride transportation services for all Bucks County residents. Residents can take part in their Senior Citizen Shared Ride Program, Medical Assistance Transportation Program, Persons with Disabilities Transportation Program, Doylestown DART or Bucks County Courthouse Shuttle.
Bristol rushbus
Bucks County Transport’s Bristol rushbus provides morning and evening peak-hour service between the SEPTA Trenton regional rail line at Bristol Station and employers in Bristol Borough. Some sites served by the Bristol rushbus include Dow Chemical (formerly Rohm & Haas), Rhodia and Pennco Tech.
Richboro-Warminster rushbus
Bucks County Transport’s Richboro-Warminster rushbus provides morning and evening peak-hour service between the SEPTA Warminster regional rail line at Warminster Station as well as the SEPTA Route 22 bus to locations in Warminster, Ivyland, Northampton Township and Richboro via Jacksonville and Almshouse roads.
For current schedules and information please contact Bucks County Transport directly at 215-794-5554.
Bucks County Transport also operates and manages the Doylestown DART public transit system. More info is available at