SEPTA announced it is adding extra capacity and service due to the I-95 bridge collapse until further notice. Get all the details at https://www5.septa.org/bulletins/until-further-notice-septa-is-adding-extra-capacity-and-service-due-to-i-95-bridge-collapse/
SEPTA schedules and a trip planner are available at https://realtime.septa.org/system
PennDOT is also providing incident updates on the I-95 partial highway collapse at https://www.penndot.pa.gov/RegionalOffices/district-6/Pages/AlertDetails.aspx
We encourage I-95 commuters from Bucks County that have the ability to telecommute to do so to keep unnecessary vehicles off the road for workers that absolutely need to be out. We also encourage people to ride SEPTA Regional Rail and take advantage of the extra capacity and service and don’t forget to utilize https://sharearide.agilemile.com/tmabucks to see if others dealing with this want to carpool to ease the pain of commuting!