We were happy to welcome Pennsylvania Secretary of Transportation Michael Carroll as our guest speaker as we recently held our Annual Celebration lunch event on December 8 at Parx East.
Secretary Carroll discussed the state of transportation across the commonwealth, his vision for PennDOT going forward, and also took questions from the audience.
TMA staff also recognized Harry S Truman teacher Colleen Spinelli and Bike Works for dedication to our organization and our mission of providing transportation leadership, safety and service to Bucks County.
Spinelli has been a long time advocate for our Bucks County High School Seatbelt Safety Challenge and teen driver safety overall with her involvement in a prom safety program.
Brian Boger represented Bike Works as they have been instrumental in partnering with the TMA on initiatives like our Bike Nice/Drive Nice Awareness event and our “Dash Down Doyle” pop-up bike/pedestrian lane project in Doylestown Borough.
TMA Bucks executive director Steve Noll also presented on several projects and programs the organization has been involved with this past year while looking ahead to the future initiatives they will be involved with.
Thank you to everyone that celebrated with us and especially our sponsors: Traffic Planning & Design (Gold), Jacobs (Bronze) and IT LABS LLC (Bronze).