Drivers and local residents should begin to see the first sections of noise-abatement walls go into place along warranted portions of I-95 in Lower Makefield, Bucks County shortly after Labor Day, the Delaware River Joint Toll Bridge Commission (DRJTBC) has announced.
A series of noise walls are being constructed along I-95 between the Route 332/Yardley-Newtown Road interchange (Exit 49) and the Route 32/Taylorsville Road interchange (Exit 51 A & B) in advance of the Commission’s $439-million Scudder Falls Bridge Replacement Project, which is scheduled to begin in spring 2017 and end in 2021.
Work on the advance Pennsylvania noise wall contract began in early July and has included tasks like land surveying, ground preparation, drainage installation, and placement of silt fencing. Project progress has about reached the point where actual noise walls can begin going into place.
In anticipation of this project juncture, the fabrication of noise wall posts and panels got underway last week. Posts are expected to be delivered and start being installed along portions of I-95 northbound early next week. The subsequent installation of panels is expected to begin later in the week.
Under the advance construction contract, a total of six sections of noise walls with an approximate length of 12,500 feet are to be installed along Pennsylvania’s I-95 approach to the Scudder Falls Bridge. The noise-wall work is expected to be completed in spring 2017, following an anticipated suspension of work activities due to weather conditions during the winter months.