PennDOT District 6 says Route 663 (John Fries Highway) motorists may encounter a weekday periodic traffic stop at the Allentown Road Intersection in Milford Township, Bucks County beginning Monday, September 20 from 7:00 AM to 5:00 PM for slope repair under a project to restore the roadway to a safe condition.
Motorists may encounter a periodic traffic stop until Friday, October 15 and are advised to allow extra time when traveling through the work area because backups and delays may occur. All scheduled activities are weather dependent.
Due to a flood in 2018, Route 663 (John Fries Highway) experienced shoulder and guiderail erosion, just north of Allentown Road and west of the Unami Creek bridge. Under this project, PennDOT’s contractor will remove the temporary barrier that was installed to stabilize the washed-out embankment and reconstruct the existing shoulder subgrade and slope. Guiderail will also be re-installed along Route 663.