We are pleased to announce we are partnering with Quakertown Borough and the Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission to bring a temporary bike/pedestrian lane to 4th Street in Quakertown Borough later this spring.
The temporary demonstration bike lanes will run on both sides of 4th Street and will be delineated with materials including white tape, temporary paint and cones/delineators.
Notice of the duration of the event will be announced well in advance of the start of the demonstration.
“We hope that residents and the business community will have the opportunity to see that if biking and walking is made safer that it presents them with a true opportunity to not rely on making a short drive in their vehicle and they have the option to safely bike or walk to their destination,” explained TMA Bucks executive director Stephen Noll.
TMA Bucks is currently working with Quakertown Borough to provide a pre-survey aimed at residents and businesses explaining the project and gathering feedback.
The pre-survey can be accessed at https://tinyurl.com/yc4bp8h7
A post survey will also be made available after the demonstration so residents and businesses can give their opinion on how they felt the pop-up bike/pedestrian lane project went. TMA Bucks will also provide traffic count data for the temporary bike/pedestrian lane while it is being monitored at designated times both before the lane is executed and during the pop-up demonstration period.
“Quakertown is a pedestrian friendly community and due to growing interest and enthusiasm for both active and passive recreation we have made this a priority for our residents,” said Courtney Burns sustainability coordinator for the Borough of Quakertown. “The Ride 4th demonstration bike lane project in partnership with TMA Bucks furthers these goals and will improve a key section of an important bicycle route along the highland trail. This project will bring attention to Quakertown’s active community goals, where residents can live and play without always needing a car. On-road bicycle signage and lanes like this demonstration bike lane on 4th Street can provide important connectivity between parks and our business district. We appreciate TMA Bucks assisting with the demonstration of this bicycle friendly event.”
This Bucks County Pop-Up Bike/Pedestrian Lane Project is made possible through the Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission’s “Travel Options Program” and the overall goal is to gauge how implementing short term, safe bike infrastructure can benefit Bucks County long term.
For more information on “Ride 4th” please contact TMA Bucks project coordinator Nicole Rodowicz at nicole@bctma.com.