PennDOT District 6 says a road closure is scheduled on Pullen Station Road between Old Bethlehem Road and Route 212 (Church Road) in Springfield, Haycock, and Richland townships, Bucks County, on Monday, August 1, through Friday, August 26, weekdays from 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM, for milling and paving operations, as a part of a project to repair and resurface more than 39 miles of state highway in Bucks County.
During the closure, Pullen Station Road motorists will be directed to use Old Bethlehem Road, Apple Road, Union Road and Route 212 (Church Road). Local access will be maintained during the operation.
In addition, a lane closure with flagging is scheduled on Younken Road between Richlandtown Pike and Route 212 (Church Road) in Richland Township for resurfacing operations. Work is expected to take place simultaneously with the Pullen Station Road closure.
Motorists are advised to allow extra time when traveling near the work areas because slowdowns will occur. All scheduled activities are weather dependent.
Under this improvement project, PennDOT is milling the existing roadway surface and repaving the state highway with new asphalt. The new pavement will seal the roadway and provide motorists with a smoother riding surface.