This is a request from SEPTA for submissions for its Fiscal Year 2018 Annual Service Plan. The deadline for this year’s plan submissions is August 31, 2016. Any requests received after this date will be considered for the Fiscal Year 2019 Plan.
A draft copy of SEPTA’s FY 2017 Annual Service Plan can be found on the SEPTA website.
SEPTA invites you to submit ideas related to SEPTA route changes or additions. These submissions will be included in their evaluation process for possible changes for Fiscal Year 2018. Project implementation would be contingent upon available funding.
Submissions must be sent by August 31, 2016 in writing to the address below, or electronically by completing the fields in this online form.
SEPTA – Service Planning Department
1234 Market Street, 9th Floor
Philadelphia, PA 19107
SEPTA appreciates your participation in the Annual Service Plan process.