Construction is scheduled to begin Monday, March 7 to rehabilitate the county-owned Kansas Road bridge over Little Neshaminy Creek in Warrington Township, Bucks County, the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT) recently announced.
Kansas Road will be closed and detoured between Redstone Drive and Forsythia Drive from Monday, March 7 through June 2016 while crews replace the deteriorated bridge deck and beams. During construction, Kansas Road through traffic will be detoured over Route 611 (Easton Road), Titus Avenue and County Line Road.
The single-span, prestressed adjacent box beam bridge was built in 1979. It is 37-feet long and 36-feet wide. It carries 400 vehicles a day. The bridge is posted with a 27-ton weight limit.
The improvement of the Kansas Road bridge is part of a $2.3 million project to rehabilitate five structurally deficient bridges – four township owned and one county owned in Bucks County. This local bridge improvement project was enabled through Act 89 legislation, Pennsylvania’s transportation plan.
In addition to Kansas Road, PennDOT’s contractor will replace the superstructures (bridge decks and beams) on the Willow Road bridge over Ironworks Creek in Northampton Township; Moyer Road bridge over Pleasant Creek in Hilltown Township; Alden Avenue bridge over Rock Run in Falls Township; and Springfield Street bridge over SEPTA rail tracks in Springfield Township.