PennDOT District 6 invites the public to attend an open house plans display on Thursday, June 27, from 5:00 PM to 7:00 PM at the Bensalem Township Building at 2400 Byberry Road for the proposed project to improve the Interstate 95/Bristol Pike/Street Road Interchange in Bensalem Township, Bucks County.
This project, which is currently in preliminary engineering, involves various interchange improvements including constructing a fourth leg to the Bristol Pike (U.S. 13)/Street Road (Route 132) ramp intersection, which will provide one-way access to the southbound I-95 ramp. Bristol Pike (U.S. 13) would also be widened to accommodate the new access to I-95, and the new southbound on-ramp would merge with the existing ramp, which will be reconstructed under this proposed project.
The purpose of the public meeting is to update the community on this improvement project and to gather comments and feedback. The meeting will be conducted as an open house plans display where citizens will have the opportunity to circulate among the subject displays to gather information and discuss the different facets of the project with PennDOT’s design team.
If you have questions, need additional information or have special needs requiring assistance prior to the upcoming meeting, please contact PennDOT Project Manager Judith Arena.
For more information, visit the I-95/U.S. 13/Route 132 Interchange Improvement Project page.