PennDOT District 6 says construction is scheduled to begin on Saturday, September 21 to rehabilitate the bridge carrying Big Oak Road over Interstate 295 in Middletown Township, Bucks County.
Due to the nature of the repairs, Big Oak Road will be closed and detoured between Harpers Crossing and Hickory Lane beginning Thursday, September 19, through the completion of the project scheduled for late October.
During the bridge closure, Big Oak Road motorists will be directed to use Oxford Valley Road, Heacock Road, Stony Hill Road, Langhorne Yardley Road, and Township Line Road. Local access will be maintained up to the construction zone.
PennDOT’s contractor will rehabilitate the structure over I-295 by adding concrete overlay to the bridge deck; performing concrete substructure repairs; replacing and resealing the bridge deck joints; installing scour rock protection; and milling and paving the roadway.
Built in 1967, the Big Oak Road bridge over I-295 carries an average of 8,126 vehicles a day. The bridge is 210 feet long and 37 feet wide.