PennDOT has announced that it has re-opened the culvert carrying Main Street over Wertz Creek between Longwood Avenue and Twelfth Street in Sellersville Borough, Bucks County. The culvert is no longer categorized as structurally deficient according to PennDOT.
Over the last three months, PennDOT’s contractor worked to replace the existing concrete arch culvert with a new precast concrete box culvert.
Built in 1937, the one-span culvert is 19 feet long and 47 feet wide. The structure carries about 6,044 vehicles a day.
The replacement of the Main Street culvert over Wertz Creek is part of PennDOT’s $6.8 million project to rehabilitate/replace five structurally-deficient bridges in Bucks and Montgomery counties, three structurally-deficient culverts in Bucks County and to stabilize a stream embankment at a bridge in Bucks County.