PennDOT District 6 says a new, interim traffic pattern will be in place beginning at 6:00 AM Tuesday, January 28 on northbound U.S. 1 between Old Lincoln Highway and Rockhill Drive in Bensalem Township, Bucks County that will require motorists heading for Street Road (Route 132) and the ramp to the Pennsylvania Turnpike Toll Plaza to use the right lane.
Under the traffic pattern that has been in place for several months during reconstruction of the Street Road ramps, northbound U.S. 1 motorists have been required to remain in the left lane for access to the PA Turnpike ramp as part of the U.S. 1 Improvements Project.
Tuesday (January 28) morning’s traffic pattern change on northbound U.S. 1 will be coordinated with the reopening of the northbound U.S. 1 ramp from Street Road (Route 132). The ramp has been closed since January 20 for construction to tie the ramp into reconstructed northbound U.S. 1.
The new, interim traffic pattern that will be implemented on northbound U.S. 1 will allow crews to complete the remaining Stage 1 construction along the northbound side of U.S. 1.
Stage 1 northbound U.S 1 construction is expected to be completed in early February. A new traffic pattern will then be established to move two lanes of northbound traffic onto the new northbound lanes, including the northbound segments of new bridges over Street Road (Route 132), the PA Turnpike and the turnpike ramps. The new pattern is tentatively scheduled to be put in place the weekend of February 7-9.
Motorists are advised to allow extra time when traveling through the work areas because backups and slowdowns will occur. All scheduled activities are weather permitting.
Motorists also are advised that vehicle navigation systems and traffic apps like WAZE, Google Traffic, and others, may not be updated in time for the traffic shift and that northbound drivers should follow the posted work zone signs for accessing the PA Turnpike.
The work is part of a corridor improvement project, and the first of three construction contracts, to rebuild and widen U.S. 1; replace aging bridges; and install safety enhancements along a four-mile section of the expressway from just north of Philadelphia to just north of Route 413 (Pine Street) in Middletown Township and Langhorne Borough. For more information visit