PennDOT District 6 says U.S. 13 (Bristol Pike) and Interstate 95 motorists will encounter a new traffic pattern and traffic signal at the Delaware Valley interchange (Exit #42) in Bristol Township, Bucks County for reconstruction, realignment and bridge replacement.
The work is part of the Pennsylvania Turnpike’s I-95 Interchange project and will enhance PennDOT’s recently completed improvement along a 4.3-mile stretch of U.S. 13 (Bristol Pike) between Route 413 and the Pennsylvania Turnpike.
Beginning Monday, November 25, a new traffic signal at the interchange will be set to flash and message signs will be deployed to warn motorists that the signal and new traffic pattern will be in place sometime after Wednesday, December 11, through early summer 2020. It will take approximately two days to complete the work in order to open the new access ramps. Once the signalized intersection is in place, northbound U.S. 13 (Bristol Pike) motorists will make a left at the signal to access I-95, while southbound U.S. 13 (Bristol Pike) motorists will make a right at the signal to access I-95.
In addition to the new pattern, starting on Wednesday, December 11, U.S. 13 (Bristol Pike) thru traffic will be reduced to a single lane in each direction through the signalized intersection area through early summer 2020.
Motorists are advised to allow extra time when traveling through the work areas because backups and delays will occur. All scheduled activities are weather dependent.
The Pennsylvania Turnpike project includes the total reconstruction and realignment of the two-lane interchange ramp between U.S. 13 (Bristol Pike) and I-95. The contractor will remove the existing ramp bridge over U.S. 13 (Bristol Pike), construct a replacement of the ramp bridge over Elwood Avenue; and install a new signalized intersection with U.S. 13 (Bristol Pike). A single lane turn-around loop at the new signalized intersection will be used for emergency/authorized vehicles only.
The project also involves the construction of one sound barrier wall, four stormwater management infiltration basins, roadway drainage improvements, signing, pavement markings, roadway/intersection lighting, and utility relocations.