We have partnered with Doylestown Borough and the Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission to install a “pop-up” bike/pedestrian lane on Doyle Street in Doylestown Borough this September!
This project is made possible through the Travel Options Program by DVRPC which allows us to demonstrate a bike/pedestrian lane where Doylestown Borough residents can safely bike separate from motor vehicles.
We need you to get involved if you are bicyclist, walker/runner, trail user or outdoor enthusiast, and let us know your thoughts by taking this quick survey before we launch the event! You will only need a few minutes! Access the survey at https://forms.gle/FimpZcFydnCLj5Yi9
Learn more about our Bucks County Pop-Up Bike/Pedestrian Lane Project at https://www.tmabucks.com/bucks-county-pop-up-bike-pedestrian-lane-project/