The Delaware River Joint Toll Bridge Commission (DRJTBC) has approved a series of system-wide toll adjustments to offset continuing COVID-19-induced toll revenue declines, ensure payment of financial obligations, provide funding for planned capital projects throughout the agency’s Pennsylvania-New Jersey service region, and establish a two-tier pricing structure that assigns higher toll rates to Cash/TOLL BY PLATE transactions compared to E-ZPass transactions.
The first and broadest schedule of toll rate changes currently is scheduled to take effect April 11. When implemented, it will be the Commission’s first system-wide toll adjustment in 10 years. The second and less impactful new toll schedule is projected to take effect in January 2024.
The full schedules of toll changes may be viewed on the Commission website at The most frequently paid Commission toll – passenger vehicles equipped with E-ZPass – will rise 25 cents to a $1.25 rate system-wide starting April 11.
Full details are posted at