PennDOT District 6 has announced that the County Line Road Reconstruction Project will move from Stage 1 into Stage 2 construction on Monday, March 6, in Warrington Township, Bucks County and Horsham Township, Montgomery County.
County Line Road is being rebuilt under an $11.2 million project to construct uniform, 11-foot-wide travel lanes and five-foot shoulders on a 3.1-mile section of the highway between Kulp Road and Easton Road (Route 611).
Beginning at 9:00 AM Monday, March 6, through early July, eastbound County Line Road traffic will be shifted into the newly constructed westbound lanes between Kulp Road East and Bradford Green Drive to allow crews to reconstruct that section of eastbound County Line Road under Stage 2 construction.
Westbound County Line Road will remain closed between Fairmount Avenue and Kulp Road East. Motorists will continue to be detoured along Easton Road (Route 611), Street Road and Lower State Road until the project’s completion by 2026 or possibly earlier.
Stage 2 construction follows Stages 1, 3, and 4, in which PennDOT’s contractor replaced the deteriorating masonry arch bridge carrying County Line Road over a tributary to Little Neshaminy Creek with a six-foot-wide, single-span extension; rebuilt and raised the elevation of the roadway between Park Road and Bradford Road to enhance safety and drainage; performed intersection improvements at Folly Road, Maggie Way, and the Bradford Green Drives; and widened shoulders and resurfaced the roadway between Kulp Road East and Fairmont Avenue.
Additional improvements under this project include upgrading traffic signals, ADA curb ramps, guiderail and drainage; and performing additional work items to enhance safety and travel for the motoring public.