PennDOT says construction is scheduled to begin Tuesday, December 13 on a $14.7 million project to reconstruct, widen and improve 1.4 miles of County Line Road between Stump Road and Kulp Road in Warrington Township, Bucks County and Horsham and Montgomery townships, Montgomery County.
This transportation improvement project will enhance travel on County Line Road by providing additional capacity for travelers by extending the existing five-lane pattern to the intersection with Kulp Road.
On Tuesday, December 13, through mid-October 2017, Route 152 (Limekiln Pike) will be closed between County Line Road and Westminster Drive while PennDOT’s contractor realigns the Route 152 (Limekiln Pike) intersections with Lower State Road and County Line Road; constructs new turn lanes; and upgrades existing traffic signals. Traffic will be detoured over Lower State Road and County Line Road. Local access will be maintained up to the construction area.
PennDOT’s contractor is widening County Line Road to accommodate two 11-foot travel lanes in each direction, an 11-foot center turn lane, and two five-foot shoulders. This widened stretch of County Line Road will tie into the recently widened section at Stump Road, and will taper back to two lanes near Kulp Road.
Additional improvements include the installation of four sound walls on County Line Road in the vicinity of the intersections at Kingston Way, Kenas Road, Kulp Road and Route 152 (Limekiln Pike).
Construction on the entire project is expected to finish in September 2018.