We are thrilled to announce that Central Bucks High School East has once again been voted the winner of this year’s Teen Driver Safety Video PSA Challenge powered by Comcast!
CB East, which also won the contest last school year, was voted the winner over eight other Bucks County high schools for this video: https://youtu.be/cTO-VvIii3c?si=B_oU8j9drH3MF3VQ
Student groups at all participating high schools for the Bucks County High School Seatbelt Safety Challenge presented by NJM Insurance Group had the opportunity to submit votes to determine the winner.
The winning video was put together by students Ryan Atkinson, Dylan Hilman, Faye Gilbert, and Geoffrey Schurer under the direction of technology education teacher Mr. John Benedix.
“This Media production crew is a hardworking and creative group of kids and I’m extremely proud of all the projects they’ve completed this year,” said Benedix. “It was definitely a goal of ours to win the Teen Driver Safety Video PSA Challenge for the second year in a row and we were ecstatic when we found out we won. The other schools did a fantastic job this year and we know that we have our work cut out for us if we want to win again next year. We really appreciate TMA Bucks for their effort to inform students of safe driving skills and for giving us a platform to showcase our work.”
The Central Bucks High School East student activity fund received a $500 cash grant from TMA Bucks and the public service announcement will air on Comcast networking in the future.
Other schools that submitted videos this year were: Central Bucks High School South, Council Rock High School North, New Hope-Solebury High School, Palisades High School, Pennsbury High School, Quakertown Community High School, Upper Bucks Technical High School, and William Tennent High School.
You can view all the entries at on the TMA Bucks YouTube page.
“The creativity and strong messaging of what these students are putting together is extremely impressive,” said TMA Bucks executive director Stephen Noll. “We hope these videos serve as an important reminder to teen drivers to make safe and smart decisions when on the road.”
As part of the annual Bucks County High School Seatbelt Safety Challenge presented by NJM Insurance all participating high schools had the opportunity to produce and submit a 30-second video PSA on teen driver safety.
“Comcast is thrilled to continue to support the TMA Bucks Teen Driver Safety Video PSA Challenge as this initiative gives students the opportunity to showcase their creativity using technology while also delivering important messages that can impact their peers to make better decisions when driving,” said Brian Jeter, Comcast’s director of government affairs.