PennDOT District 6 says lane closures will be in place at night the week of February 25 in each direction on U.S. 1 and Street Road (Route 132) in Bensalem Township, Bucks County for barrier adjustments and other activities in the new traffic patterns that will be in effect on U.S. 1 and the ramps to and from eastbound Street Road (Route 132).
On Monday, February 25, through Friday, March 1, from 8:00 PM to 6:00 AM, northbound and southbound U.S. 1 will be reduced to a single lane between Rockhill Road and Old Lincoln Highway, and Street Road (Route 132) will be reduced to a single lane in each direction between Old Lincoln Highway and Kingston Way. All scheduled activities are weather dependent.
The lane restrictions will allow crews to adjust and secure the temporary construction barriers and finish line striping for new traffic patterns on both roadways. The patterns, which are expected to be fully in place by early Saturday, February 23, move all U.S. 1 traffic to the west and close the ramps to and from northbound U.S. 1 and eastbound Street Road (Route 132). The closed ramps are being re-routed to the ramps on the opposite side of the interchange, where a temporary signalized intersection has been constructed at the base of those ramps. The temporary intersection allows ramp traffic to access eastbound and westbound Street Road (Route 132), and eastbound Street Road (Route 132) to access northbound U.S. 1. The ramp from westbound Street Road (Route 132) to northbound U.S. 1 remains open during construction at the interchange.
The new traffic pattern marks the start of two years of northbound reconstruction, including reconstruction of the Street Road (Route 132) ramps on the northbound side of the interchange, on a $94 million project to widen and improve a 1.3-mile section of U.S. 1 from Old Lincoln Highway, at the Philadelphia border, to north of the Pennsylvania Turnpike’s Bensalem Interchange.
For more information visit the project website at www.us1bucks.com.