PennDOT District 6 says northbound and southbound Route 309 (Sellersville Bypass) motorists will encounter a left lane closure between Reliance Road and Ridge Road in Hilltown and West Rockhill townships, Bucks County, beginning Monday, May 10 for line striping and to allow crews to set temporary barrier for a Stage 2 traffic shift under a project to rehabilitate the pavement and repair several structures on a 9.1-mile section of the expressway.
The lane closures will be in place weeknights from 7:00 PM to 6:00 AM the following morning for barrier placement.
Once the barrier is in place, Route 309 (Sellersville Bypass) motorists will utilize the outside shoulders through the construction zone while work begins to rehabilitate the pavement and median, stabilize slope areas and perform drainage improvements. The structures carrying Route 309 (Sellersville Bypass) over East Penn Railroad and Route 152 (State Road) also will be rehabilitated with new superstructures under this stage.
As Stage 2 advances this spring and summer, drivers can expect to encounter daytime and nighttime lane closures on Route 309 (Sellersville Bypass) between Reliance Road and Ridge Road for various construction activities.
Stage 1 construction on Route 309 (Sellersville Bypass) between Unionville Pike and Reliance Road is expected to be substantially completed by early June. Motorists will also encounter single lane closures in one or both directions for paving and ITS installations.
Motorists are advised to allow extra time when traveling through the work areas because backups and delays will occur. All scheduled activities are weather dependent.