PennDOT District 6 says a weekday lane closure is scheduled on New Falls Road between Route 413 (Veterans Highway) and Bristol Oxford Valley Road in Middletown and Bristol townships, Bucks County on Monday, August 29, through Friday, September 9, from 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM, for roadway construction under a project to improve pedestrian safety on a nearly one-mile-long section of New Falls Road.
Motorists are advised to allow extra time when traveling through the work area because backups and delays may occur.
Under this project, PennDOT’s contractor will construct sidewalks alongside a section of New Falls Road. In addition, the safety improvement plan includes the installation of crosswalk pavement markings to delineate pedestrian routes along the corridor; installation of pedestrian signal equipment in conjunction with the addition of ADA curb ramps to further improve pedestrian safety; and the addition of protected left-turn traffic signals to improve motorist safety.
Work on the project is expected to finish in spring 2024.