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County Line Road To Close For One Year For Bridge Replacement & Roadway Reconstruction

PennDOT News, Road Work Updates | March 18th, 2022

PennDOT District 6 says County Line Road is scheduled to close in both directions between Fairmount Avenue and Bradford Road beginning Monday, April 11 for bridge replacement and roadway reconstruction under a project to rebuild and improve a 3.1-mile section of County Line Road from Kulp Road to Route 611 (Easton Road) in Warrington Township, Bucks County and Horsham Township, Montgomery County.

PennDOT will replace the deteriorating masonry arch bridge with a six-foot-wide, single-span extension on County Line Road over an unnamed tributary to Little Neshaminy Creek. This bridge, which is posted with a 10-ton weight restriction, is located between the intersections of Fairmount Road and Park Road. The bridge was initially planned to close for replacement in 2023; however, due to damage the bridge sustained during Tropical Storm Ida last September, the department is accelerating the time frame for building the new replacement structure.

Beginning Monday, April 11, through early spring 2023, County Line Road will be closed and detoured in both directions between Park Road and Fairmount Avenue under Stage 3 construction to replace the bridge and between Park Road and Bradford Road under Stage 4 construction to rebuild and raise the elevation of the roadway to enhance safety and drainage in this area. The two operations will not occur simultaneously to facilitate residential access along County Line Road and Park Road.

During the closure, County Line Road through traffic will be directed to use Lower State Road, Street Road and Route 611 (Easton Road). Local access will be maintained up to the work zone. Driveway adjustments and temporary roadways will be constructed to maintain access to residents and businesses within the work zone.

Following the reopening of the County Line Road bridge in early spring 2023, westbound County Line Road will be closed and detoured between Kansas Road and Bradford Road under construction stages 5-8 and then between Fairmount Avenue and Kulp Road under construction stages 1-2.

During these closures, County Line Road westbound through traffic will be directed to use Lower State Road, Street Road and Route 611 (Easton Road). County Line eastbound traffic will have through access.

In addition to replacing the bridge, improvements under this project include widening the highway to provide a uniformed pattern of two 11-foot travel lanes and five-foot shoulders; upgrading traffic signals, ADA curb ramps and guiderail; performing drainage improvements; resurfacing County Line Road; and performing additional work items to enhance safety and travel for the motoring public.

The entire project is expected to finish in summer 2026.